
Transforms make changes to a domain to improve optimisation quality or adapt a domain to the constraints of a strategy.

class summit.strategies.base.Transform(domain, **kwargs)[source]

Pre/post-processing of data for strategies

  • domain (Domain) – A domain for that is being used in the strategy

  • transform_descriptors (bool, optional) – Transform the descriptors into continuous variables. Default True.


This class can be overridden to create custom transformations as necessary.

Below we describe the transforms available in Summit.


class summit.strategies.base.Chimera(domain: summit.domain.Domain, hierarchy: dict, softness=0.001, absolutes=None)[source]

Scalarise a multiobjective problem using Chimera.

Chimera is a hiearchical multiobjective scalarasation function. You set the parameter loss_tolerances to weight the importance of each objective.

  • domain (Domain) – A domain for that is being used in the strategy

  • hierarchy (dict) – Dictionary with keys as the names of the objectives and values as dictionaries with the keys “hierarchy” and “tolerance” for the ranking and tolerance, respectively, on each objective. The hierachy is indexed from zero (i.e., 0, 1, 2, etc.) with zero being the highest priority objective. A smaller tolerance means that the objective will be weighted more, while a larger tolerance indicates that the objective will be weighted less. The tolerance must be between zero and one.

  • softness (float, optional) – Smoothing parameter. Defaults to 1e-3 as recommended by Häse et al. Larger values result in a more smooth objective while smaller values will give a disjointed objective.

  • absolutes (array-like, optional) – Default is zeros.


>>> from summit.domain import *
>>> from summit.strategies import SNOBFIT, MultitoSingleObjective
>>> from summit.utils.dataset import DataSet
>>> # Create domain
>>> domain = Domain()
>>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name="temperature",description="reaction temperature in celsius", bounds=[50, 100])
>>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name="flowrate_a", description="flow of reactant a in mL/min", bounds=[0.1, 0.5])
>>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name="flowrate_b", description="flow of reactant b in mL/min", bounds=[0.1, 0.5])
>>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name="yield_", description="", bounds=[0, 100], is_objective=True, maximize=True)
>>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name="de",description="diastereomeric excess",bounds=[0, 100],is_objective=True,maximize=True)
>>> # Previous reactions
>>> columns = [ for v in domain.variables]
>>> values = {("temperature", "DATA"): 60,("flowrate_a", "DATA"): 0.5,("flowrate_b", "DATA"): 0.5,("yield_", "DATA"): 50,("de", "DATA"): 90}
>>> previous_results = DataSet([values], columns=columns)
>>> # Multiobjective transform
>>> hierarchy =  {"yield_": {"hierarchy": 0, "tolerance": 0.5}, "de": {"hierarchy": 1, "tolerance": 1.0}}
>>> transform = Chimera(domain, hierarchy=hierarchy)
>>> strategy = SNOBFIT(domain, transform=transform)
>>> next_experiments = strategy.suggest_experiments(5, previous_results)


The original paper on Chimera can be found at 1.

This code is based on the code for Griffyn 2, which can be found on Github.

Chimera turns problems into minimisation problems. This is done automatically by reading the type of objective from the domain.



Häse, F., Roch, L. M., & Aspuru-Guzik, A. “Chimera: enabling hierarchy based multi-objective optimization for self-driving laboratories.” Chemical Science, 2018, 9,7642-7655


Häse, F., Roch, L.M. and Aspuru-Guzik, A., 2020. Gryffin: An algorithm for Bayesian optimization for categorical variables informed by physical intuition with applications to chemistry. arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.12127.


Output a dictionary representation of the transform

transform_inputs_outputs(ds, copy=True, **kwargs)[source]

Transform of data into inputs and outptus for a strategy

This will do a log transform on the objectives (outputs).

  • ds (DataSet) – Dataset with columns corresponding to the inputs and objectives of the domain.

  • copy (bool, optional) – Copy the dataset internally. Defaults to True.

  • transform_descriptors (bool, optional) – Transform the descriptors into continuous variables. Default True.


Datasets with the input and output datasets

Return type

inputs, outputs

un_transform(ds, **kwargs)
Transform data back into its original represetnation

after strategy is finished

  • ds (DataSet) – Dataset with columns corresponding to the inputs and objectives of the domain.

  • transform_descriptors (bool, optional) – Transform the descriptors into continuous variables. Default True.

  • standardize_inputs (bool, optional) – Standardize all input continuous variables. Default is False.

  • standardize_outputs (bool, optional) – Standardize all output continuous variables. Default is False.

  • categorical_method (str or None, optional) – The method for transforming categorical variables. Either “one-hot”, “descriptors” or None. Descriptors must be included in the categorical variables for the later. Default is None.


Override this class to achieve custom untransformations


class summit.strategies.base.MultitoSingleObjective(domain: summit.domain.Domain, expression: str, maximize=True)[source]

Transform a multiobjective problem into a single objective problems

  • domain (Domain) – A domain for that is being used in the strategy

  • expression (str) – An expression in terms of variable names used to convert the multiobjective problem into a single objective problem


result – description

Return type



ValueError – If domain does not have at least two objectives


>>> from summit.domain import *
>>> from summit.strategies import SNOBFIT, MultitoSingleObjective
>>> from summit.utils.dataset import DataSet
>>> # Create domain
>>> domain = Domain()
>>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name="temperature",description="reaction temperature in celsius", bounds=[50, 100])
>>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name="flowrate_a", description="flow of reactant a in mL/min", bounds=[0.1, 0.5])
>>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name="flowrate_b", description="flow of reactant b in mL/min", bounds=[0.1, 0.5])
>>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name="yield_", description="", bounds=[0, 100], is_objective=True, maximize=True)
>>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name="de",description="diastereomeric excess",bounds=[0, 100],is_objective=True,maximize=True)
>>> # Previous reactions
>>> columns = [ for v in domain.variables]
>>> values = {("temperature", "DATA"): 60,("flowrate_a", "DATA"): 0.5,("flowrate_b", "DATA"): 0.5,("yield_", "DATA"): 50,("de", "DATA"): 90}
>>> previous_results = DataSet([values], columns=columns)
>>> # Multiobjective transform
>>> transform = MultitoSingleObjective(domain, expression="(yield_+de)/2", maximize=True)
>>> strategy = SNOBFIT(domain, transform=transform)
>>> next_experiments = strategy.suggest_experiments(5, previous_results)

Output a dictionary representation of the transform

transform_inputs_outputs(ds, **kwargs)[source]

Transform of data into inputs and outputs for a strategy

This will do multi to single objective transform

  • ds (DataSet) – Dataset with columns corresponding to the inputs and objectives of the domain.

  • copy (bool, optional) – Copy the dataset internally. Defaults to True.

  • transform_descriptors (bool, optional) – Transform the descriptors into continuous variables. Default True.


Datasets with the input and output datasets

Return type

inputs, outputs

un_transform(ds, **kwargs)
Transform data back into its original represetnation

after strategy is finished

  • ds (DataSet) – Dataset with columns corresponding to the inputs and objectives of the domain.

  • transform_descriptors (bool, optional) – Transform the descriptors into continuous variables. Default True.

  • standardize_inputs (bool, optional) – Standardize all input continuous variables. Default is False.

  • standardize_outputs (bool, optional) – Standardize all output continuous variables. Default is False.

  • categorical_method (str or None, optional) – The method for transforming categorical variables. Either “one-hot”, “descriptors” or None. Descriptors must be included in the categorical variables for the later. Default is None.


Override this class to achieve custom untransformations

Log Objectives

class summit.strategies.base.LogSpaceObjectives(domain: summit.domain.Domain)[source]

Log transform objectives


domain (Domain) – A domain for that is being used in the strategy


ValueError – When the domain has no objectives.


>>> from summit.domain import *
>>> from summit.strategies import SNOBFIT, MultitoSingleObjective
>>> from summit.utils.dataset import DataSet
>>> # Create domain
>>> domain = Domain()
>>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name="temperature",description="reaction temperature in celsius", bounds=[50, 100])
>>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name="flowrate_a", description="flow of reactant a in mL/min", bounds=[0.1, 0.5])
>>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name="flowrate_b", description="flow of reactant b in mL/min", bounds=[0.1, 0.5])
>>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name="yield_", description="", bounds=[0, 100], is_objective=True, maximize=True)
>>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name="de",description="diastereomeric excess",bounds=[0, 100],is_objective=True,maximize=True)
>>> # Previous reactions
>>> columns = [ for v in domain.variables]
>>> values = {("temperature", "DATA"): 60,("flowrate_a", "DATA"): 0.5,("flowrate_b", "DATA"): 0.5,("yield_", "DATA"): 50,("de", "DATA"): 90}
>>> previous_results = DataSet([values], columns=columns)
>>> # Multiobjective transform
>>> transform = LogSpaceObjectives(domain)
>>> strategy = SNOBFIT(domain, transform=transform)
>>> next_experiments = strategy.suggest_experiments(5, previous_results)

Output a dictionary representation of the transform

transform_inputs_outputs(ds, **kwargs)[source]

Transform of data into inputs and outptus for a strategy

This will do a log transform on the objectives (outputs).

  • ds (DataSet) – Dataset with columns corresponding to the inputs and objectives of the domain.

  • copy (bool, optional) – Copy the dataset internally. Defaults to True.

  • transform_descriptors (bool, optional) – Transform the descriptors into continuous variables. Default True.


Datasets with the input and output datasets

Return type

inputs, outputs

un_transform(ds: summit.utils.dataset.DataSet, **kwargs)[source]

Untransform objectives from log space

  • ds (DataSet) – Dataset with columns corresponding to the inputs and objectives of the domain.

  • copy (bool, optional) – Copy the dataset internally. Defaults to True.

  • transform_descriptors (bool, optional) – Transform the descriptors into continuous variables. Default True.