Source code for summit.utils.multiobjective

from math import log, floor
import random
import warnings
import numpy as np

__all__ = ["pareto_efficient", "hypervolume"]

[docs]def pareto_efficient(data, maximize=True): """ Find the pareto-efficient points Parameters --------- data: array-like An (n_points, n_data) array maximize: bool, optional Whether the problem is a maximization or minimization problem. Defaults to maximization (i.e,. True) Returns ------- data, indices: data is an array with the pareto front values indices is an array with the indices of the pareto points in the original data array """ original_data = data indices = np.arange(data.shape[0]) n_points = data.shape[0] next_point_index = 0 # Next index in the indices array to search for while next_point_index < len(data): if maximize: nondominated_point_mask = np.any(data > data[next_point_index], axis=1) else: nondominated_point_mask = np.any(data < data[next_point_index], axis=1) nondominated_point_mask[next_point_index] = True indices = indices[nondominated_point_mask] # Remove dominated points data = data[nondominated_point_mask] next_point_index = np.sum(nondominated_point_mask[:next_point_index]) + 1 return data, indices
[docs]def hypervolume(pointset, ref): """Compute the absolute hypervolume of a *pointset* according to the reference point *ref*. """ ref = np.array(ref) # Remove points above reference for i in range(pointset.shape[1]): indices = np.where(pointset[:, i] < ref[i])[0] pointset = pointset[indices, :] if len(pointset) == 0: hv = 0 else: hyper = _HyperVolume(ref) hv = hyper.compute(pointset) return hv
class _HyperVolume: """ This code is copied from the GA library DEAP. Hypervolume computation based on variant 3 of the algorithm in the paper: C. M. Fonseca, L. Paquete, and M. Lopez-Ibanez. An improved dimension-sweep algorithm for the hypervolume indicator. In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 1157-1163, Vancouver, Canada, July 2006. Minimization is implicitly assumed here! """ def __init__(self, referencePoint): """Constructor.""" self.referencePoint = referencePoint self.list = [] def compute(self, front): """Returns the hypervolume that is dominated by a non-dominated front. Before the HV computation, front and reference point are translated, so that the reference point is [0, ..., 0]. """ def weaklyDominates(point, other): for i in range(len(point)): if point[i] > other[i]: return False return True relevantPoints = [] referencePoint = self.referencePoint dimensions = len(referencePoint) ####### # fmder: Here it is assumed that every point dominates the reference point # for point in front: # # only consider points that dominate the reference point # if weaklyDominates(point, referencePoint): # relevantPoints.append(point) relevantPoints = front # fmder ####### if any(referencePoint): # shift points so that referencePoint == [0, ..., 0] # this way the reference point doesn't have to be explicitly used # in the HV computation ####### # fmder: Assume relevantPoints are numpy array # for j in range(len(relevantPoints)): # relevantPoints[j] = [relevantPoints[j][i] - referencePoint[i] for i in range(dimensions)] relevantPoints -= referencePoint # fmder ####### self.preProcess(relevantPoints) bounds = [-1.0e308] * dimensions hyperVolume = self.hvRecursive(dimensions - 1, len(relevantPoints), bounds) return hyperVolume def hvRecursive(self, dimIndex, length, bounds): """Recursive call to hypervolume calculation. In contrast to the paper, the code assumes that the reference point is [0, ..., 0]. This allows the avoidance of a few operations. """ hvol = 0.0 sentinel = self.list.sentinel if length == 0: return hvol elif dimIndex == 0: # special case: only one dimension # why using hypervolume at all? return[0].cargo[0] elif dimIndex == 1: # special case: two dimensions, end recursion q =[1] h = q.cargo[0] p =[1] while p is not sentinel: pCargo = p.cargo hvol += h * (q.cargo[1] - pCargo[1]) if pCargo[0] < h: h = pCargo[0] q = p p =[1] hvol += h * q.cargo[1] return hvol else: remove = self.list.remove reinsert = self.list.reinsert hvRecursive = self.hvRecursive p = sentinel q = p.prev[dimIndex] while q.cargo != None: if q.ignore < dimIndex: q.ignore = 0 q = q.prev[dimIndex] q = p.prev[dimIndex] while length > 1 and ( q.cargo[dimIndex] > bounds[dimIndex] or q.prev[dimIndex].cargo[dimIndex] >= bounds[dimIndex] ): p = q remove(p, dimIndex, bounds) q = p.prev[dimIndex] length -= 1 qArea = q.area qCargo = q.cargo qPrevDimIndex = q.prev[dimIndex] if length > 1: hvol = qPrevDimIndex.volume[dimIndex] + qPrevDimIndex.area[dimIndex] * ( qCargo[dimIndex] - qPrevDimIndex.cargo[dimIndex] ) else: qArea[0] = 1 qArea[1 : dimIndex + 1] = [ qArea[i] * -qCargo[i] for i in range(dimIndex) ] q.volume[dimIndex] = hvol if q.ignore >= dimIndex: qArea[dimIndex] = qPrevDimIndex.area[dimIndex] else: qArea[dimIndex] = hvRecursive(dimIndex - 1, length, bounds) if qArea[dimIndex] <= qPrevDimIndex.area[dimIndex]: q.ignore = dimIndex while p is not sentinel: pCargoDimIndex = p.cargo[dimIndex] hvol += q.area[dimIndex] * (pCargoDimIndex - q.cargo[dimIndex]) bounds[dimIndex] = pCargoDimIndex reinsert(p, dimIndex, bounds) length += 1 q = p p =[dimIndex] q.volume[dimIndex] = hvol if q.ignore >= dimIndex: q.area[dimIndex] = q.prev[dimIndex].area[dimIndex] else: q.area[dimIndex] = hvRecursive(dimIndex - 1, length, bounds) if q.area[dimIndex] <= q.prev[dimIndex].area[dimIndex]: q.ignore = dimIndex hvol -= q.area[dimIndex] * q.cargo[dimIndex] return hvol def preProcess(self, front): """Sets up the list data structure needed for calculation.""" dimensions = len(self.referencePoint) nodeList = _MultiList(dimensions) nodes = [_MultiList.Node(dimensions, point) for point in front] for i in range(dimensions): self.sortByDimension(nodes, i) nodeList.extend(nodes, i) self.list = nodeList def sortByDimension(self, nodes, i): """Sorts the list of nodes by the i-th value of the contained points.""" # build a list of tuples of (point[i], node) decorated = [(node.cargo[i], node) for node in nodes] # sort by this value decorated.sort() # write back to original list nodes[:] = [node for (_, node) in decorated] class _MultiList: """A special data structure needed by FonsecaHyperVolume. It consists of several doubly linked lists that share common nodes. So, every node has multiple predecessors and successors, one in every list. """ class Node: def __init__(self, numberLists, cargo=None): self.cargo = cargo = [None] * numberLists self.prev = [None] * numberLists self.ignore = 0 self.area = [0.0] * numberLists self.volume = [0.0] * numberLists def __str__(self): return str(self.cargo) def __lt__(self, other): return all(self.cargo < other.cargo) def __init__(self, numberLists): """Constructor. Builds 'numberLists' doubly linked lists. """ self.numberLists = numberLists self.sentinel = _MultiList.Node(numberLists) = [self.sentinel] * numberLists self.sentinel.prev = [self.sentinel] * numberLists def __str__(self): strings = [] for i in range(self.numberLists): currentList = [] node =[i] while node != self.sentinel: currentList.append(str(node)) node =[i] strings.append(str(currentList)) stringRepr = "" for string in strings: stringRepr += string + "\n" return stringRepr def __len__(self): """Returns the number of lists that are included in this _MultiList.""" return self.numberLists def getLength(self, i): """Returns the length of the i-th list.""" length = 0 sentinel = self.sentinel node =[i] while node != sentinel: length += 1 node =[i] return length def append(self, node, index): """Appends a node to the end of the list at the given index.""" lastButOne = self.sentinel.prev[index][index] = self.sentinel node.prev[index] = lastButOne # set the last element as the new one self.sentinel.prev[index] = node[index] = node def extend(self, nodes, index): """Extends the list at the given index with the nodes.""" sentinel = self.sentinel for node in nodes: lastButOne = sentinel.prev[index][index] = sentinel node.prev[index] = lastButOne # set the last element as the new one sentinel.prev[index] = node[index] = node def remove(self, node, index, bounds): """Removes and returns 'node' from all lists in [0, 'index'[.""" for i in range(index): predecessor = node.prev[i] successor =[i][i] = successor successor.prev[i] = predecessor if bounds[i] > node.cargo[i]: bounds[i] = node.cargo[i] return node def reinsert(self, node, index, bounds): """ Inserts 'node' at the position it had in all lists in [0, 'index'[ before it was removed. This method assumes that the next and previous nodes of the node that is reinserted are in the list. """ for i in range(index): node.prev[i].next[i] = node[i].prev[i] = node if bounds[i] > node.cargo[i]: bounds[i] = node.cargo[i]