Source code for summit.strategies.entmoot

from summit.strategies.base import Strategy
from summit.domain import *
from summit.utils.dataset import DataSet

import string
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]class ENTMOOT(Strategy): """ Single-objective Bayesian optimization, using gradient-boosted trees instead of Gaussian processes, via ENTMOOT (ENsemble Tree MOdel Optimization Tool) This is currently an experimental feature and requires Gurobipy to be installed. Parameters ---------- domain: :class:`~summit.domain.Domain` The Summit domain describing the optimization problem. transform : :class:`~summit.strategies.base.Transform`, optional A transform object. By default no transformation will be done on the input variables or objectives. estimator_type: string, optional The ENTMOOT base_estimator type. By default, Gradient-Boosted Regression std_estimator_type: string, optional The ENTMOOT std_estimator By default, bounded data distance acquisition_type: string, optional The acquisition function type from ENTMOOT. See notes for options. By default, Lower Confidence Bound. optimizer_type: string, optional The optimizer used in ENTMOOT for maximization of the acquisition function. By default, sampling will be used. generator_type: string, optional The method for generating initial points before a model can be trained. By default, uniform random points will be used. initial_points: int, optional How many points to require before training models min_child_samples: int, optional Minimum size of a leaf in tree models Examples -------- >>> from summit.domain import * >>> from summit.strategies.entmoot import ENTMOOT >>> import numpy as np >>> domain = Domain() >>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name='temperature', description='reaction temperature in celsius', bounds=[50, 100]) >>> domain += CategoricalVariable(name='flowrate_a', description='flow of reactant a in mL/min', levels=[1,2,3,4,5]) >>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name='flowrate_b', description='flow of reactant b in mL/min', bounds=[0.1, 0.5]) >>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name='yield', description='yield of reaction', bounds=[0,100], is_objective=True) >>> # strategy = ENTMOOT(domain) >>> # next_experiments = strategy.suggest_experiments(5) Notes ---------- Estimator type can either by GBRT (Gradient-boosted regression trees) or RF (random forest from scikit-learn). Acquisition function type can only be LCB (lower confidence bound). Based on the paper from [Thebelt]_ et al. .. [Thebelt] A. Thebelt et al. "ENTMOOT: A Framework for Optimization over Ensemble Tree Models", `ArXiv <>`_ """ def __init__( self, domain, transform=None, estimator_type=None, std_estimator_type=None, acquisition_type=None, optimizer_type=None, generator_type=None, initial_points=50, min_child_samples=5, **kwargs ): Strategy.__init__(self, domain, transform=transform, **kwargs) self.use_descriptors = kwargs.get("use_descriptors", False) # TODO: notation - discrete in our model (e.g., catalyst type) = categorical? self.input_domain = [] for v in self.domain.variables: if not v.is_objective: if isinstance(v, ContinuousVariable): self.input_domain.append( { "name":, "type": v.variable_type, "domain": (v.bounds[0], v.bounds[1]), } ) elif isinstance(v, CategoricalVariable): raise ValueError( "Categorical Variables are not yet implemented " "for ENTMOOT strategy." ) if not self.use_descriptors: self.input_domain.append( { "name":, "type": "categorical", "domain": tuple(self.categorical_wrapper(v.levels)), } ) elif v.ds is not None and self.use_descriptors: if v.ds is None: raise ValueError( "No descriptors provided for variable: {}".format( ) ) descriptor_names = v.ds.data_columns descriptors = np.asarray( [ v.ds.loc[:, [l]].values.tolist() for l in v.ds.data_columns ] ) for j, d in enumerate(descriptors): self.input_domain.append( { "name": descriptor_names[j], "type": "continuous", "domain": ( np.min(np.asarray(d)), np.max(np.asarray(d)), ), } ) elif v.ds is None and self.use_descriptors: raise ValueError( "Cannot use descriptors because none are provided." ) # TODO: GPyOpt currently does not support mixed-domains w/ bandit inputs, there is a PR for this though else: raise TypeError("Unknown variable type.") # TODO: how to handle equality constraints? Could we remove '==' from constraint types as each equality # constraint reduces the degrees of freedom? if len(self.domain.constraints) != 0: self.constraints = self.constr_wrapper(self.domain) else: self.constraints = None self.input_dim = len(self.domain.input_variables) if estimator_type in [ "GBRT", "RF", ]: self.estimator_type = estimator_type else: self.estimator_type = "GBRT" # default model type is GB trees if std_estimator_type in [ "BDD", "L1BDD", "DDP", "L1DDP", ]: self.std_estimator_type = std_estimator_type else: self.std_estimator_type = ( "BDD" # default model type is bounded data distance ) if acquisition_type in [ "LCB", ]: self.acquisition_type = acquisition_type else: self.acquisition_type = ( "LCB" # default acquisition function is lower confidence bound ) """ Method for optimization of acquisition function sampling: optimized by computing `acquisition_type` at `n_points` randomly sampled points global: optimized by using global solver to find minimum of `acquisition_type`. Requires gurobipy """ if optimizer_type in ["sampling", "global"]: self.optimizer_type = optimizer_type else: self.optimizer_type = "sampling" # default optimizer: sampling if (self.optimizer_type == "sampling") & (self.constraints is not None): raise ValueError( "Constraints can only be applied when ENTMOOT is using" "global solver. Set optimizer_type = global or remove" "constraints." ) import pkg_resources required = {"gurobipy"} installed = {pkg.key for pkg in pkg_resources.working_set} self.gurobi_missing = required - installed """ Sets an initial points generator. Can be either - "random" for uniform random numbers, - "sobol" for a Sobol sequence, - "halton" for a Halton sequence, - "hammersly" for a Hammersly sequence, - "lhs" for a latin hypercube sequence, - "grid" for a uniform grid sequence """ if generator_type in [ "random", "sobol", "halton", "hammersly", "lhs", "grid", ]: self.generator_type = generator_type else: self.generator_type = "random" self.initial_points = initial_points self.min_child_samples = min_child_samples self.prev_param = None
[docs] def suggest_experiments( self, num_experiments=1, prev_res: DataSet = None, **kwargs ): """Suggest experiments using ENTMOOT tree-based Bayesian Optimization Parameters ---------- num_experiments: int, optional The number of experiments (i.e., samples) to generate. Default is 1. prev_res: :class:``, optional Dataset with data from previous experiments of previous iteration. If no data is passed, then random sampling will be used to suggest an initial design. Returns ------- next_experiments : :class:`` A Dataset object with the suggested experiments """ from entmoot.optimizer.optimizer import Optimizer from import Space param = None xbest = np.zeros(self.domain.num_continuous_dimensions()) obj = self.domain.output_variables[0] objective_dir = -1.0 if obj.maximize else 1.0 fbest = float("inf") bounds = [k["domain"] for k in self.input_domain] space = Space(bounds) if not self.gurobi_missing: from gurobipy import LinExpr from entmoot.optimizer.gurobi_utils import get_core_gurobi_model core_model = get_core_gurobi_model(space) gvars = core_model.getVars() for c in self.constraints: left = LinExpr() left.addTerms(c[0], gvars) left.addConstant(c[1]) core_model.addLConstr(left, c[2], 0) core_model.update() acq_optimizer_kwargs = {"add_model_core": core_model} else: acq_optimizer_kwargs = None entmoot_model = Optimizer( dimensions=bounds, base_estimator=self.estimator_type, std_estimator=self.std_estimator_type, n_initial_points=self.initial_points, initial_point_generator=self.generator_type, acq_func=self.acquisition_type, acq_optimizer=self.optimizer_type, random_state=None, acq_func_kwargs=None, acq_optimizer_kwargs=acq_optimizer_kwargs, base_estimator_kwargs={"min_child_samples": self.min_child_samples}, std_estimator_kwargs=None, model_queue_size=None, verbose=False, ) # If we have previous results: if prev_res is not None: # Get inputs and outputs inputs, outputs = self.transform.transform_inputs_outputs( prev_res, transform_descriptors=self.use_descriptors ) # Set up maximization and minimization by converting maximization to minimization problem for v in self.domain.variables: if v.is_objective and v.maximize: outputs[] = -1 * outputs[] if isinstance(v, CategoricalVariable): if not self.use_descriptors: inputs[] = self.categorical_wrapper( inputs[], v.levels ) inputs = inputs.to_numpy() outputs = outputs.to_numpy() if self.prev_param is not None: X_step = self.prev_param[0] Y_step = self.prev_param[1] X_step = np.vstack((X_step, inputs)) Y_step = np.vstack((Y_step, outputs)) else: X_step = inputs Y_step = outputs # Convert to list form to give to optimizer prev_X = [list(x) for x in X_step] prev_y = [y for x in Y_step for y in x] # Train entmoot model entmoot_model.tell(prev_X, prev_y, fit=True) # Store parameters (history of suggested points and function evaluations) param = [X_step, Y_step] fbest = np.min(Y_step) xbest = X_step[np.argmin(Y_step)] request = np.array( entmoot_model.ask(n_points=num_experiments, strategy="cl_mean") ) # Generate DataSet object with variable values of next next_experiments = None transform_descriptors = False if request is not None and len(request) != 0: next_experiments = {} i_inp = 0 for v in self.domain.variables: if not v.is_objective: if isinstance(v, CategoricalVariable): if v.ds is None or not self.use_descriptors: cat_list = [] for j, entry in enumerate(request[:, i_inp]): cat_list.append( self.categorical_unwrap(entry, v.levels) ) next_experiments[] = np.asarray(cat_list) i_inp += 1 else: descriptor_names = v.ds.data_columns for d in descriptor_names: next_experiments[d] = request[:, i_inp] i_inp += 1 transform_descriptors = True else: next_experiments[] = request[:, i_inp] i_inp += 1 next_experiments = DataSet.from_df(pd.DataFrame(data=next_experiments)) next_experiments[("strategy", "METADATA")] = "ENTMOOT" self.fbest = objective_dir * fbest self.xbest = xbest self.prev_param = param # Do any necessary transformation back next_experiments = self.transform.un_transform( next_experiments, transform_descriptors=self.use_descriptors ) return next_experiments
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the internal parameters""" self.prev_param = None
def constr_wrapper(self, summit_domain): v_input_names = [ for v in summit_domain.variables if not v.is_objective] constraints = [] for c in summit_domain.constraints: tmp_c = c.lhs # Split LHS on + signs into fragments tmp_p = str.split(tmp_c, "+") tmp_a = [] for t in tmp_p: # For each of the fragments, split on - terms = str.split(t, "-") for i in range(len(terms)): if i == 0: # If the first part in the fragment is not empty, that # means the first term was positive. if terms[0] != "": tmp_a.append(terms[0]) # All of the terms in the split will have # negative coefficients. else: tmp_a.append("-" + terms[i]) # Split the terms into coefficients and variables: constraint_dict = dict() for term in tmp_a: for i, char in enumerate(term): if char in string.ascii_letters: index = i c_variable = term[index:] if term[:index] == "": c_coeff = 1.0 elif term[:index] == "-": c_coeff = -1.0 else: c_coeff = float(term[:index]) break else: c_variable = "constant" c_coeff = term constraint_dict[c_variable] = c_coeff # Place coefficients in the variable order the model expects. constraints_ordered = [] for v_input_index, v_input_name in enumerate(v_input_names): constraints_ordered.append(constraint_dict.get(v_input_name, 0)) constraints.append( [constraints_ordered, constraint_dict["constant"], c.constraint_type] ) return constraints
[docs] def to_dict(self): if self.prev_param is not None: param = [self.prev_param[0].tolist(), self.prev_param[1].tolist()] else: param = None strategy_params = dict( prev_param=param, use_descriptors=self.use_descriptors, estimator_type=self.estimator_type, std_estimator_type=self.std_estimator_type, acquisition_type=self.acquisition_type, optimizer_type=self.optimizer_type, generator_type=self.generator_type, initial_points=self.initial_points, min_child_samples=self.min_child_samples, ) return super().to_dict(**strategy_params)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): # Setup ENTMOOT entmoot = super().from_dict(d) param = d["strategy_params"]["prev_param"] if param is not None: param = [np.array(param[0]), np.array(param[1])] entmoot.prev_param = param return entmoot
""" def categorical_wrapper(self, categories, reference_categories=None): if not reference_categories: return [i for i, _ in enumerate(categories)] else: return [reference_categories.index(c) for c in categories] def categorical_unwrap(self, gpyopt_level, categories): return categories[int(gpyopt_level)] """