Source code for summit.strategies.neldermead

from .base import Strategy, Transform
from summit.domain import *
from summit.domain import Domain
from summit.utils.dataset import DataSet
from summit.utils import jsonify_dict, unjsonify_dict

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult

[docs]class NelderMead(Strategy): """Nelder-Mead Simplex A reimplementation of the Nelder-Mead Simplex method adapted for sequential calls. This includes adaptions in terms of reflecting points, dimension reduction and dimension recovery proposed by Cortes-Borda et al. Parameters ---------- domain : :class:`~summit.domain.Domain` The domain of the optimization transform : :class:`~summit.strategies.base.Transform`, optional A transform object. By default no transformation will be done on the input variables or objectives. random_start : bool, optional Whether to start at a random point or the value specified by x_start adaptive : bool, optional Adapt algorithm parameters to dimensionality of problem. Useful for high-dimensional minimization. Default is False. x_start: array_like of shape (1, N), optional Initial center point of simplex Default: empty list that will initialize generation of x_start as geoemetrical center point of bounds Note that x_start is ignored when initial call of suggest_exp contains prev_res and/or prev_param dx: float, optional Parameter for stopping criterion: two points are considered to be different if they differ by at least dx(i) in at least one coordinate i. Default is 1E-5. df: float, optional Parameter for stopping criterion: two function values are considered to be different if they differ by at least df. Default is 1E-5. Notes ----- This is inspired by the work by [Cortés-Borda]_. Implementation partly follows the Nelder-Mead Simplex implementation in `scipy-optimize <>`_ After the initialisation, the number of suggested experiments depends on the internal state of Nelder Mead. Usually the algorithm requests 1 point per iteration, e.g., a reflection. In some cases it requests more than 1 point, e.g., for shrinking the simplex. References ---------- .. [Cortés-Borda] Cortés-Borda, D.; Kutonova, K. V.; Jamet, C.; Trusova, M. E.; Zammattio, F.; Truchet, C.; Rodriguez-Zubiri, M.; Felpin, F.-X. Optimizing the Heck–Matsuda Reaction in Flow with a Constraint-Adapted Direct Search Algorithm. Organic ProcessResearch & Development 2016,20, 1979–1987 Examples -------- >>> from summit.domain import Domain, ContinuousVariable >>> from summit.strategies import NelderMead >>> domain = Domain() >>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name='temperature', description='reaction temperature in celsius', bounds=[0, 1]) >>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name='flowrate_a', description='flow of reactant a in mL/min', bounds=[0, 1]) >>> domain += ContinuousVariable(name='yield', description='relative conversion to xyz', bounds=[0,100], is_objective=True, maximize=True) >>> strategy = NelderMead(domain) >>> next_experiments = strategy.suggest_experiments() >>> print(next_experiments) NAME temperature flowrate_a strategy TYPE DATA DATA METADATA 0 0.500 0.500 Nelder-Mead Simplex 1 0.625 0.500 Nelder-Mead Simplex 2 0.500 0.625 Nelder-Mead Simplex """ def __init__(self, domain: Domain, transform: Transform = None, **kwargs): Strategy.__init__(self, domain, transform, **kwargs) self._x_start = kwargs.get("x_start", []) self.random_start = kwargs.get("random_start", False) self._dx = kwargs.get("dx", 1e-5) self._df = kwargs.get("df", 1e-5) self._adaptive = kwargs.get("adaptive", False) self.prev_param = None
[docs] def suggest_experiments(self, prev_res: DataSet = None, **kwargs): """Suggest experiments using Nelder-Mead Simplex method Parameters ---------- prev_res:, optional Dataset with data from previous experiments. If no data is passed, the Nelder-Mead optimization algorithm will be initialized and suggest initial experiments. Returns ------- next_experiments: DataSet A `Dataset` object with the suggested experiments by Nelder-Mead Simplex algorithm Notes ------ After the initialisation, the number of suggested experiments depends on the internal state of Nelder Mead. Usually the algorithm requests 1 point per iteration, e.g., a reflection. In some cases it requests more than 1 point, e.g., for shrinking the simplex. Thus, there is no `num_experiments` keyword argument. """ # get objective name and whether optimization is maximization problem obj_name = None obj_maximize = False for v in self.domain.variables: i = 0 if v.is_objective: i += 1 if i > 1: raise ValueError( "Nelder-Mead is not able to optimize multiple objectives." ) obj_name = if v.maximize: obj_maximize = True # get results from conducted experiments if prev_res is not None: prev_res = prev_res # get parameters from previous iterations inner_prev_param = None if self.prev_param is not None: # get parameters for Nelder-Mead from previous iterations inner_prev_param = self.prev_param[0] # recover invalid experiments from previous iteration if self.prev_param[1] is not None: invalid_res = self.prev_param[1].drop(("constraint", "DATA"), 1) prev_res = pd.concat([prev_res, invalid_res]) ## Generation of new suggested experiments. # An inner function is called loop-wise to get valid experiments and # avoid suggestions of experiments that violate constraints. # If no valid experiment is found after #<inner_iter_tol>, an error is raised. inner_iter_tol = 5 c_iter = 0 valid_next_experiments = False next_experiments = None while not valid_next_experiments and c_iter < inner_iter_tol: valid_next_experiments = False next_experiments, xbest, fbest, param = self._inner_suggest_experiments( prev_res=prev_res, prev_param=inner_prev_param ) # Invalid experiments hidden from data returned to user but stored internally in param invalid_experiments = next_experiments.loc[ next_experiments[("constraint", "DATA")] == False ] next_experiments = next_experiments.loc[ next_experiments[("constraint", "DATA")] != False ] prev_res = prev_res if len(next_experiments) and len(invalid_experiments): valid_next_experiments = True if obj_maximize: invalid_experiments[(obj_name, "DATA")] = float("-inf") else: invalid_experiments[(obj_name, "DATA")] = float("inf") # elif len(invalid_experiments): if obj_maximize: invalid_experiments[(obj_name, "DATA")] = float("-inf") else: invalid_experiments[(obj_name, "DATA")] = float("inf") prev_res = invalid_experiments else: valid_next_experiments = True inner_prev_param = param param = [param, invalid_experiments] c_iter += 1 if c_iter >= inner_iter_tol: raise ValueError( "No new points found. Internal stopping criterion is reached." ) # return only valid experiments (invalid experiments are stored in param[1]) next_experiments = next_experiments.drop(("constraint", "DATA"), 1) objective_dir = -1.0 if obj_maximize else 1.0 self.fbest = objective_dir * fbest self.xbest = xbest self.prev_param = param return next_experiments
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset internal parameters""" self.prev_param = None
[docs] def to_dict(self): # Previous param first element is a dictionary of internal parameters # Second element is a dataset with invalid experiments if self.prev_param is not None: prev_param = [ jsonify_dict(self.prev_param[0]), self.prev_param[1].to_dict(), ] else: prev_param = None strategy_params = dict( x_start=self._x_start, random_start=self.random_start, dx=self._dx, df=self._df, adaptive=self._adaptive, prev_param=prev_param, ) return super().to_dict(**strategy_params)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): nm = super().from_dict(d) prev_param = d["strategy_params"]["prev_param"] if prev_param is not None: nm.prev_param = [ unjsonify_dict(prev_param[0]), DataSet.from_dict(prev_param[1]), ] return nm
def _inner_suggest_experiments(self, prev_res: DataSet = None, prev_param=None): """Inner loop for suggestion of experiments using Nelder-Mead Simplex method Parameters ---------- prev_res:, optional Dataset with data from previous experiments. If no data is passed, the Nelder-Mead optimization algorithm will be initialized and suggest initial experiments. prev_param: Parameters of Nelder-Mead algorithm from previous iterations of a optimization problem. If no data is passed, the Nelder-Mead optimization algorithm will be initialized. """ # intern stay_inner = False # Get bounds of input variables bounds = [] input_var_names = [] output_var_names = [] for v in self.domain.variables: if not v.is_objective: if isinstance(v, ContinuousVariable): bounds.append(v.bounds) input_var_names.append( elif isinstance(v, CategoricalVariable): if v.ds is not None: descriptor_names = v.ds.data_columns descriptors = np.asarray( [ v.ds.loc[:, [l]].values.tolist() for l in v.ds.data_columns ] ) else: raise ValueError("No descriptors given for {}".format( for d in descriptors: bounds.append([np.min(np.asarray(d)), np.max(np.asarray(d))]) input_var_names.extend(descriptor_names) else: raise TypeError( "Nelder-Mead can not handle variable type: {}".format(v.type) ) else: output_var_names.extend( bounds = np.asarray(bounds, dtype=float) # Extract dimension of input domain dim = len(bounds[:, 0]) # Initialization initial_run = True x0 = [self._x_start] y0 = [] # Get previous results if prev_res is not None: initial_run = False inputs, outputs = self.transform.transform_inputs_outputs( prev_res, transform_descriptors=True ) # Set up maximization and minimization for v in self.domain.variables: if v.is_objective and v.maximize: outputs[] = -1 * outputs[] x0 = inputs.data_to_numpy() y0 = outputs.data_to_numpy() elif prev_param is not None: raise ValueError( "Parameter from previous optimization iteration are given but previous results are " "missing!" ) # if no previous results are given initialize center point as geometrical middle point of bounds if len(x0[0]) == 0 and not self.random_start: x0 = np.ones((1, len(bounds))) * 0.5 * ((bounds[:, 1] + bounds[:, 0]).T) elif len(x0[0]) == 0 and self.random_start: weight = np.random.rand() x0 = np.ones((1, len(bounds))) * ( weight * (bounds[:, 1] + (1 - weight) * bounds[:, 0]).T ) """ Set Nelder-Mead parameters, i.e., initialize or include data from previous iterations -------- prev_sim: array-like variable coordinates (points) of simplex from previous run prev_fsim: array-like function values corresponding to points of simplex from previous run x_iter: array-like variable coordinates and corresponding function values of potential new simplex points determined in one iteration of the NMS algorithm; note that within one iteration multiple points need to be evaluated; that's why we have to store the points of an unfinished iteration (start iteration -> request point -> run experiment -> restart same iteration with results of experiment -> request point -> run experiment ... -> finish iteration) red_dim: boolean True if dimension was reduced in one of the previous iteration and has not been recovered yet red_sim: array-like variable coordinates (points) of simplex before dimension was reduced red_fsim: array-like function values of points corresponding to simplex before dimension was reduced rec_dim: boolean True if dimension was revocered in last iteration memory: array-like list of all points for which the function was evaluated """ prev_sim, prev_fsim, x_iter, red_dim, red_sim, red_fsim, rec_dim, memory = ( None, None, None, None, None, None, None, [np.ones(dim) * float("inf")], ) # if this is not the first iteration of the Nelder-Mead algorithm, get parameters from previous iteration if prev_param: prev_sim = prev_param["sim"] red_dim = prev_param["red_dim"] red_sim = prev_param["red_sim"] red_fsim = prev_param["red_fsim"] rec_dim = prev_param["rec_dim"] memory = prev_param["memory"] # if dimension was recovered in last iteration, N functions evaluations were requested # that need to be assigned to the respective points in the simplex if rec_dim: prev_fsim = prev_param["fsim"] for k in range(len(x0)): for s in range(len(prev_sim)): if np.array_equal(prev_sim[s], x0[k]): prev_fsim[s] = y0[k] rec_dim = False # assign function values to respective points elif prev_param["fsim"] is not None: prev_fsim = prev_param["fsim"] x_iter = prev_param["x_iter"] for key, value in x_iter.items(): if value is not None: if key == "x_shrink": for k in range(len(x0)): for j in range(len(value)): if np.array_equal(value[j][0], np.asarray(x0[k])): x_iter[key][j][1] = y0[k] else: for k in range(len(x0)): if np.array_equal(value[0], np.asarray(x0[k])): x_iter[key][1] = y0[k] break else: prev_fsim = y0 # initialize with given simplex points (including function evaluations) for initialization elif prev_res is not None: prev_sim = x0 prev_fsim = y0 for p in x0.astype(float).tolist(): memory.append(p) # Run Nelder-Mead Simplex algorithm for one iteration overfull_simplex = False if not red_dim: request, sim, fsim, x_iter = self._minimize_neldermead( x0=x0[0], bounds=bounds, x_iter=x_iter, f=prev_fsim, sim=prev_sim, adaptive=self._adaptive, ) if not initial_run: ( overfull_simplex, prev_sim, prev_fsim, red_sim, red_fsim, overfull_dim, ) = self.check_overfull(request, sim, fsim, bounds) ## Reduce dimension if n+1 points are located in n-1 dimensions (if either red_dim = True, i.e., # optimization in the reduced dimension space was not finished in the last iteration, or overfull_simplex, i.e., # last Nelder-Mead call (with red_dim = False) lead to an overfull simplex). ## Note that in order to not loose any information, the simplex without dimension reduction is returned even # if the optimization in the reduced dimension space is not finished. ## If the optimization in the reduced dimension space was not finished in the last iteration (red_dim = True), # the simplex will automatically be reduced again. if red_dim or overfull_simplex: # prepare dimension reduction if red_dim: x_iter, overfull_dim = self.upstream_simplex_dim_red(prev_sim, x_iter) else: x_iter = None # save value of dimension reduced save_dim = prev_sim[0][overfull_dim] # delete overfull dimension new_prev_sim = np.delete(prev_sim, overfull_dim, 1) # delete bounds for overfull dimension new_bounds = np.delete(bounds, overfull_dim, 0) # Run one iteration of Nelder-Mead Simplex algorithm for reduced simplex request, sim, fsim, x_iter = self._minimize_neldermead( x0=new_prev_sim[0], x_iter=x_iter, bounds=new_bounds, f=prev_fsim, sim=new_prev_sim, adaptive=self._adaptive, ) overfull_simplex, _, _, _, _, _ = self.check_overfull( request, sim, fsim, bounds ) if overfull_simplex: raise NotImplementedError( "Recursive dimension reduction not implemented yet." ) # recover dimension after Nelder-Mead Simplex run (to return full request for experiment) request = np.insert(request, overfull_dim, save_dim, 1) sim = np.insert(sim, overfull_dim, save_dim, 1) # follow-up of dimension reduction x_iter = self.downstream_simplex_dim_red(x_iter, overfull_dim, save_dim) red_dim = True # if not overfull and no reduced dimension from previous iteration else: red_dim = False # Circle (suggested point that already has been investigated) if any(np.array([np.array(memory == x).all(1).any() for x in request])): ## if dimension is reduced and requested point has already been evaluated, recover dimension with # reflected and translated simplex before dimension reduction if red_dim: sim, fsim, request = self.recover_simplex_dim( sim, red_sim, red_fsim, overfull_dim, bounds, memory, self._dx ) red_dim = False rec_dim = True # raise error else: stay_inner = True # raise NotImplementedError("Circle - point has already been investigated.") ## Only little changes in requested points, xatol = tolerance for changes in x, # or in function values, fatol = tolerance for changes in f ## TODO: add extra threshold to stop reduced dimension problem and recover dimension if not initial_run: xatol = (bounds[:, 1] - bounds[:, 0]) * self._dx fatol = self._df if (np.max(np.abs(sim[1:] - sim[0]), 0) <= xatol).all() or ( np.max(np.abs(fsim[0] - fsim[1:])) <= fatol ).any(): if red_dim: sim, fsim, request = self.recover_simplex_dim( sim, red_sim, red_fsim, overfull_dim, bounds, memory, self._dx ) red_dim = False rec_dim = True else: print( "Warning, internal stopping criterion is reached. " "Either points of simplex or function values of points of simplex are very close to each other." ) # add requested points to memory for p in request.astype(float).tolist(): memory.append(p) # store parameters of iteration as parameter array param = [sim, fsim, x_iter, red_dim, red_sim, red_fsim, rec_dim, memory] param = dict( sim=sim, fsim=fsim, x_iter=x_iter, red_dim=red_dim, red_sim=red_sim, red_fsim=red_fsim, rec_dim=rec_dim, memory=memory, ) # Generate DataSet object with variable values of next experiments next_experiments = {} for i, v in enumerate(input_var_names): next_experiments[v] = request[:, i] next_experiments = DataSet.from_df(pd.DataFrame(data=next_experiments)) # Violate constraint mask_valid_next_experiments = self.check_constraints(next_experiments) if initial_run and not all(mask_valid_next_experiments): raise ValueError( "Default initialization failed due to constraints. Please enter an initial simplex with feasible points" ) if not any(mask_valid_next_experiments): stay_inner = True if stay_inner: # add infinity as next_experiments[("constraint", "DATA")] = False else: # add optimization strategy next_experiments[("constraint", "DATA")] = mask_valid_next_experiments next_experiments[("strategy", "METADATA")] = ["Nelder-Mead Simplex"] * len( request ) x_best = None f_best = float("inf") # fbest corresponds to the transformed function values if not initial_run: x_best = sim[0] f_best = fsim[0] x_best = self.round(x_best, bounds, self._dx) f_best = int(f_best * 10 ** int(np.log10(1 / self._df))) / 10 ** int( np.log10(1 / self._df) ) # next_experiments = np.around(next_experiments, decimals=self._dx) # Do any necessary transformation back next_experiments = self.transform.un_transform( next_experiments, transform_descriptors=True ) return next_experiments, x_best, f_best, param # implementation partly follows: def _minimize_neldermead( self, x0, bounds, x_iter=None, f=None, sim=None, initial_simplex=None, adaptive=False, **unknown_options ): """ Minimization of scalar function of one or more variables using the Nelder-Mead algorithm. Options ------- x0: array_like of shape (1, N) x_iter: f: sim: initial_simplex : array_like of shape (N + 1, N) Initial simplex. If given, overrides `x0`. ``initial_simplex[j,:]`` should contain the coordinates of the jth vertex of the ``N+1`` vertices in the simplex, where ``N`` is the dimension. adaptive : bool, optional Adapt algorithm parameters to dimensionality of problem. Useful for high-dimensional minimization [1]. References ---------- .. [1] Gao, F. and Han, L. Implementing the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm with adaptive parameters. 2012. Computational Optimization and Applications. 51:1, pp. 259-277 """ if adaptive: dim = float(len(x0)) rho = 1 chi = 1 + 2 / dim psi = 0.75 - 1 / (2 * dim) sigma = 1 - 1 / dim else: rho = 1 chi = 2 psi = 0.5 sigma = 0.5 # TODO: discuss hyperparameter, find literature zdelt = 0.25 x0 = np.asfarray(x0).flatten() N = len(x0) # generate N points based on center point, each point varying in # one different variable compared to center point -> initial simplex with N+1 points if initial_simplex is None and sim is None: sim = np.zeros((N + 1, N), dtype=x0.dtype) sim[0] = x0 for k in range(N): y = np.array(x0, copy=True) y[k] = y[k] + zdelt * 1 / 2 * (bounds[k, 1] - bounds[k, 0]) bool, _, _ = self.check_bounds(y, bounds) # if point violates bound restriction, change variable in opposite direction if not bool: y[k] = y[k] - zdelt * (bounds[k, 1] - bounds[k, 0]) # if point violates constraint, try opposite direction # if point violates other constraint or bound, calculate max zdelt <zdelt_mod> that meets # constraint for both direction and choose direction with greater zdelt_mod # TODO: check constraints sim[k + 1] = y return sim, sim, None, None elif sim is None: sim = np.asfarray(initial_simplex).copy() if sim.ndim != 2 or sim.shape[0] != sim.shape[1] + 1: raise ValueError( "`initial_simplex` should be an array of shape (N+1,N)" ) if len(x0) != sim.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "Size of `initial_simplex` is not consistent with `x0`" ) N = sim.shape[1] else: sim = np.asfarray(sim).copy() if sim.ndim != 2 or sim.shape[0] != sim.shape[1] + 1: raise ValueError( "`initial_simplex` should be an array of shape (N+1,N)" ) if len(x0) != sim.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "Size of `initial_simplex` is not consistent with `x0`" ) N = sim.shape[1] one2np1 = list(range(1, N + 1)) fsim = np.zeros((N + 1,), float) for k in range(N + 1): fsim[k] = f[k] ind = np.argsort(fsim) fsim = np.take(fsim, ind, 0) sim = np.take(sim, ind, 0) # Catch information on previous experiment if not x_iter: x_iter = { "xbar": None, "xr": None, "xe": None, "xc": None, "xcc": None, "x_shrink": None, } # Iteration while 1: if not x_iter["xr"]: # Centroid point: xbar xbar = np.add.reduce(sim[:-1], 0) / N xbar = self.round(xbar, bounds, self._dx) x_iter["xbar"] = xbar # Reflection point xr xr = (1 + rho) * xbar - rho * sim[-1] for l in range(len(bounds)): _bool, i, b = self.check_bounds(xr, bounds) if _bool: break else: tmp_rho = np.min( np.max(np.abs((bounds[i][b] - xbar[i]))) / np.max(np.abs((xbar[i] - sim[-1][i]))) ) xr = (1 + tmp_rho) * xbar - tmp_rho * sim[-1] xr = self.round(xr, bounds, self._dx) x_iter["xr"] = [xr, None] return np.asarray([xr]), sim, fsim, x_iter xr = x_iter["xr"][0] fxr = x_iter["xr"][1] doshrink = 0 # if function value of reflected point is better than best point of simplex, determine expansion point if fxr < fsim[0]: if not x_iter["xe"]: # expansion point: xe xbar = x_iter["xbar"] xe = xr + chi * xbar - chi * sim[-1] for l in range(len(bounds)): _bool, i, b = self.check_bounds(xe, bounds) if _bool: break else: tmp_chi = np.min( np.max(np.abs((bounds[i][b] - xr[i]))) / np.max(np.abs((xbar[i] - sim[-1][i]))) ) xe = xr + tmp_chi * xbar - tmp_chi * sim[-1] xe = self.round(xe, bounds, self._dx) if np.array_equal(xe, xr): x_iter["xe"] = [xe, float("inf")] else: x_iter["xe"] = [xe, None] return np.asarray([xe]), sim, fsim, x_iter xe = x_iter["xe"][0] fxe = x_iter["xe"][1] # if expansion point is better than reflected point, # replace worst point of simplex by expansion point if fxe < fxr: sim[-1] = xe fsim[-1] = fxe # if reflected point is better than expansion point, # replace worst point of simplex by reflected point else: sim[-1] = xr fsim[-1] = fxr # if function value of reflected point is not better than best point of simplex... else: # fsim[0] <= fxr # ... but better than second worst point, # replace worst point of simplex by reflected point if fxr < fsim[-2]: sim[-1] = xr fsim[-1] = fxr # ... and not better than second worst point else: # fxr >= fsim[-2] # Perform contraction # if reflected point is better than worst point if fxr < fsim[-1]: # contracted point: xc if not x_iter["xc"]: xbar = x_iter["xbar"] # avoid division with zero (some coordinates of xbar, xr, and sim[-1] may be identical) # by applying np.max and np.min rho = np.min( np.max(np.abs(xr - xbar)) / np.max(np.abs((xbar - sim[-1]))) ) xc = (1 + psi * rho) * xbar - psi * rho * sim[-1] for l in range(len(bounds)): _bool, i, b = self.check_bounds(xc, bounds) if _bool: break else: tmp_psi = np.min( np.max(np.abs((bounds[i][b] - xr[i]))) / np.max(np.abs((xbar[i] - sim[-1][i]))) ) xc = ( 1 + tmp_psi * rho ) * xbar - tmp_psi * rho * sim[-1] xc = self.round(xc, bounds, self._dx) if np.array_equal(xc, xr): x_iter["xc"] = [xc, float("inf")] else: x_iter["xc"] = [xc, None] return np.asarray([xc]), sim, fsim, x_iter xc = x_iter["xc"][0] fxc = x_iter["xc"][1] # if contracted point is better than reflected point if fxc <= fxr: sim[-1] = xc fsim[-1] = fxc else: doshrink = 1 # if reflected point is better than worst point else: # Perform an inside contraction if not x_iter["xcc"]: xbar = x_iter["xbar"] xcc = (1 - psi) * xbar + psi * sim[-1] xcc = self.round(xcc, bounds, self._dx) for l in range(len(bounds)): _bool, i, b = self.check_bounds(xcc, bounds) if _bool: break else: tmp_psi = np.min( np.max(np.abs((bounds[i][b] - xbar[i]))) / np.max(np.abs((sim[-1][i] - xbar[i]))) ) xcc = (1 - tmp_psi) * xbar + tmp_psi * sim[-1] xcc = self.round(xcc, bounds, self._dx) if np.array_equal(xcc, xr): x_iter["xcc"] = [xcc, None] else: x_iter["xcc"] = [xcc, None] return np.asarray([xcc]), sim, fsim, x_iter xcc = x_iter["xcc"][0] fxcc = x_iter["xcc"][1] if fxcc < fsim[-1]: sim[-1] = xcc fsim[-1] = fxcc else: doshrink = 1 # shrink simplex for all x if doshrink: x_shrink = [] x_shrink_f = [] if not x_iter["x_shrink"]: for j in one2np1: sim[j] = sim[0] + sigma * (sim[j] - sim[0]) xj = sim[j] xj = self.round(xj, bounds, self._dx) x_shrink.append(xj) x_shrink_f.append([xj, None]) x_iter["x_shrink"] = x_shrink_f return np.asarray(x_shrink), sim, fsim, x_iter for j in one2np1: sim[j] = x_iter["x_shrink"][j - 1][0] fsim[j] = x_iter["x_shrink"][j - 1][1] x_iter = { "xbar": None, "xr": None, "xe": None, "xc": None, "xcc": None, "x_shrink": None, } ind = np.argsort(fsim) sim = np.take(sim, ind, 0) fsim = np.take(fsim, ind, 0) # Function to check whether a point x lies within the variable bounds of the domain def check_bounds(self, x, bounds): for i, b in enumerate(bounds): upper_b = b[1] < x[i] lower_b = b[0] > x[i] # Point violated bound constraints if upper_b or lower_b: if lower_b: return False, i, 0 else: return False, i, 1 return True, None, None # Function to check whether a point meets the constraints of the domain def check_constraints(self, tmp_next_experiments): constr_mask = np.asarray([True] * len(tmp_next_experiments)).T if len(self.domain.constraints) > 0: constr = [c.constraint_type + "0" for c in self.domain.constraints] constr_mask = [ pd.eval(c.lhs + constr[i], resolvers=[tmp_next_experiments]) for i, c in enumerate(self.domain.constraints) ] constr_mask = np.asarray([c.tolist() for c in constr_mask]).T constr_mask = constr_mask.all(1) return constr_mask # Function to check whether a simplex contains only points that are identical in one dimension and the # the variable value fo this dimension corresponds to the bound value def check_overfull(self, tmp_request, tmp_sim, tmp_fsim, bounds): test_sim = np.asarray(tmp_sim[:-1]) overfull_sim_dim = np.all(test_sim == test_sim[0, :], axis=0) for i in range(len(overfull_sim_dim)): if overfull_sim_dim[i]: if tmp_request[0][i] == test_sim[0][i]: if any(bounds[i] == test_sim[0][i]): overfull_dim = i prev_sim = tmp_sim[:-1] prev_fsim = tmp_fsim[:-1] red_sim = tmp_sim red_fsim = tmp_fsim return ( True, prev_sim, prev_fsim, red_sim, red_fsim, overfull_dim, ) else: raise ValueError( "Simplex is overfull in one dimension. Please increase threshold for stopping." ) return False, None, None, None, None, None # Prepare Nelder-Mead parameters and previous results for dimension reduction by removing overfull dimension def upstream_simplex_dim_red(self, tmp_prev_sim, tmp_x_iter): tmp_x_iter = tmp_x_iter overfull_sim_dim = np.all(tmp_prev_sim == tmp_prev_sim[0, :], axis=0) overfull_dim = np.where(overfull_sim_dim)[0][0] if tmp_x_iter: for key, value in tmp_x_iter.items(): if value is not None: if key is "xbar": tmp_x_iter[key] = np.delete(value, overfull_dim) continue if key is "x_shrink": for v in range(len(value)): tmp_x_iter[key][v] = [ np.delete(value[v][0], overfull_dim), value[v][1], ] continue tmp_x_iter[key] = [np.delete(value[0], overfull_dim), value[1]] return tmp_x_iter, overfull_dim else: return None, overfull_dim # Restore simplex after one call of Nelder-Mead with reduced dimension by adding overfull dimension. ## Note that if dimension reduction process is not finished, the simplex will reduced in the # next Nelder-Mead call again. def downstream_simplex_dim_red(self, tmp_x_iter, overfull_dim, save_dim): for key, value in tmp_x_iter.items(): if value is not None: if key is "xbar": tmp_x_iter[key] = np.insert(value, overfull_dim, save_dim) continue if key is "x_shrink": for v in range(len(value)): tmp_x_iter[key][v] = [ np.insert(value[v][0], overfull_dim, save_dim), value[v][1], ] continue tmp_x_iter[key] = [ np.insert(value[0], overfull_dim, save_dim), value[1], ] return tmp_x_iter ## Reflect and translate simplex from iteration before dimension with respect to the point that was found in the # reduced dimension problem. def recover_simplex_dim( self, tmp_sim, tmp_red_sim, tmp_red_fsim, overfull_dim, bounds, memory, dx ): ## Translate all points of the simplex before the reduction along the axis of the reduced dimension # but the one, that caused dimension reduction (translation distance corresponds to distance of point, that # caused the dimension reduction, to the values of all other points at axis of the reduced dimension) xr_red_dim = tmp_red_sim[-1][overfull_dim] - tmp_red_sim[0][overfull_dim] xr_red_dim = self.round( xr_red_dim, np.asarray([len(bounds) * [float("-inf"), float("inf")]]), dx ) new_sim = tmp_red_sim.copy() new_sim[:-1][:, [overfull_dim]] = ( tmp_red_sim[:-1][:, [overfull_dim]] + xr_red_dim ) ## Translate all points of the simplex before the reduction along the remaining axes but the one, that caused # dimension reduction (translation distance corresponds to distance of point, that caused the dimension # reduction, to optimal point found in reduced space optimization) for dim in range(len(tmp_red_sim[0])): if dim == overfull_dim: continue else: xt_red_dim = tmp_red_sim[-1][dim] - tmp_sim[0][dim] xt_red_dim = self.round( xt_red_dim, np.asarray([len(bounds) * [float("-inf"), float("inf")]]), dx, ) for s in range(len(new_sim[:-1])): xs = tmp_red_sim[s][dim] - xt_red_dim # TODO: check bounds here, what happens if more points violate bound constraints) if bounds[dim][0] > xs: xs = bounds[dim][0] elif bounds[dim][1] < xs: xs = bounds[dim][1] new_sim[s][dim] = xs # Alter simplex in case one point is twice into recovered simplex due to bound constraints p = 0 c_i = 0 while p < len(new_sim) and c_i < len(new_sim): l_new_sim = new_sim.tolist() x = l_new_sim.count(l_new_sim[p]) if x > 1: t_x = l_new_sim[p] for dim in range(len(t_x)): if t_x[dim] == bounds[dim, 0]: new_sim[p][dim] = new_sim[p][dim] + 0.25 * 1 / 2 * ( bounds[dim, 1] - bounds[dim, 0] ) new_sim[p] = self.round(new_sim[p], bounds, self._dx) p = 0 c_i += 1 elif t_x[dim] == bounds[dim, 1]: new_sim[p][dim] = new_sim[p][dim] - 0.25 * 1 / 2 * ( bounds[dim, 1] - bounds[dim, 0] ) new_sim[p] = self.round(new_sim[p], bounds, self._dx) p = 0 c_i += 1 else: c_i += 1 else: p += 1 new_sim[-1] = tmp_sim[0] sim = new_sim fsim = tmp_red_fsim fsim[-1] = fsim[0] request = sim[:-1] if any((memory == x).all(1).any() for x in request): len_req = len(request) len_req_mod = len_req i = 0 while i < len_req_mod: if (memory == request[i]).all(1).any(): fsim[i + len_req - len_req_mod] = float("inf") request = np.delete(request, i, 0) len_req_mod -= 1 else: i += 1 if len_req_mod == 0: raise ValueError( "Recovering dimension failed due to error in generating new points. " "Please increase threshold for stopping." ) return sim, fsim, request # adapted from the SQSnobFit package
[docs] def round(self, x, bounds, dx): """ function x = round(x, bounds, dx) A point x is projected into the interior of [u, v] and x[i] is rounded to the nearest integer multiple of dx[i]. Input: x vector of length n bounds matrix of length nx2 such that bounds[:,0] < bounds[:,1] dx float Output: x projected and rounded version of x """ u = bounds[:, 0] v = bounds[:, 1] x = np.minimum(np.maximum(x, u), v) x = np.round(x / dx) * dx i1 = self.find(x < u) if i1.size > 0: x[i1] = x[i1] + dx i2 = self.find(x > v) if i2.size > 0: x[i2] = x[i2] - dx return x
# adapted from the SQSnobFit package def find(self, cond_array): return (np.transpose(np.nonzero(cond_array.flatten()))).astype(int)